Hello…Is anyone out there? It’s been a little quiet around here, and I’ve been neglecting all my Disney friends, which is definitely not cool with me. Let me explain the reason behind my radio silence. A lot has happened in the last few months.
So…the big news is that my husband and I had a baby in March! We spent about three months adjusting to our newest addition, and for the first month of her life, she was pretty high need (as most babies are). I’m finally back at work, and we’re adjusting to life as a trio, and I’m finally getting some more free time to blog about my favorite Disney topics.
Beyond that, our company, 11 Online, merged with one of our competitors back in January, so with all the maternity leave preparations and logistics of work, I was pretty much drained of any time I had to commit to Ever After Report.
So where does that leave me now?
I love this blog and I love how it keeps me plugged into the Disney community, so I definitely don’t plan on letting it go. Even though things have changed for me, and I have a little less free time than I used to, my hope is that I can continue weekly or bi-weekly posts with helpful tips.
I also want to start implementing more ebooks into the site that can be downloaded and used for upcoming trips. Let me know in the comments of any topics you’d find helpful in an ebook for Disney planning purposes!
As always, I appreciate all of you that stop by my site and signing up for the travel planner. It really means a lot that anyone would be interested in my content, and I always aim to help fellow Disney fans get a better value out of their vacation!
Keep up with me and be sure to like Ever After Report on Facebook and Instagram!
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