October 2015 Disney Parks News
Do you really want to get the best value out of your Disney vacation?
In order to really get a great value, it’s always helpful to have a grasp on what’s upcoming in the parks so you’ll know what you don’t want to miss. To help keep you up to date, I’ve decided to implement a monthly new report to give you only the very latest in what’s going on in the Disney Parks.
Here’s the first issue: October 2015 Disney Parks News
Carthay Circle Restaurant Review
Where to Find Turkey Legs At Disneyland Resort
Who doesn’t love nomming on a jumbo turkey leg?
While these bad boys have caused some controversy over time, they still remain a fan favorite and are as iconic to the Disneyland as Mickey Ears themselves.
Disney Tip Tuesday: Easiest Way to Get Seating at Disney’s Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater
Here’s a tip: If you don’t have a reservation at Disney’s Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater, the EASIEST way to get a table for the day is to head to the restaurant early in the day and ask for the “Table and Chair Cars.”
If you ask, these tables will be taken out of the reservation rotation system for the day, and you can come back later to snag your seat!
The seating in the restaurant is made up of cars fashioned into very cool tables, and use the old fashioned bench-style seats of the car as the actual seating for guests.
The table and chair cars, however are actual tables with chairs that are end-capped with a car front and back. These tables are more compatible for guests want to interact a bit more and is helpful for those using a wheelchair or highchair.
I think this restaurant is such a testament to Disney’s attention to detail and immersive theming. The mixture of imagineering with fun food and amazing service make this place a must-see for your trip!
What do you think about the Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater? Let me know in the comments below.
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